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Investigating environmental connections to high levels of kidney disease in California's Central Valley

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California’s Central Valley has one of the highest rates of end-stage kidney disease in the US. This project focuses on young to middle-aged people undergoing dialysis in the region to ascertain occupation, residence, and health care access history. The survey data will be linked to existing state resources on pesticide use and water quality. The researchers plan to investigate whether agriculture work or groundwater contamination increase risk for undefined end-stage kidney disease.

Project: End-Stage Kidney Disease in California's Central Valley: Why is the nation's breadbasket a hotspot for kidney disease?
Funding Source: Environmental Venture Projects                      
Funding Year: 2023
Research Areas: Public Health
Regions: North America

Research Team:
Shuchi Anand (Medicine - Nephrology),
Manjula Tamure (Medicine - Nephrology)

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