Core Documents
Core Documents are major products of the Uncommon Dialogue process that are supported by a cross-section of participants.
Proposed Federal Power Act Revisions on Dam Licensing, Relicensing and License Surrender (April 2022)
Uncommon Dialogue participants representing the hydropower industry, the environmental community and Tribes drafted a package of joint recommendations for legislative reform of sections of the Federal Power Act covering dam licensing, relicensing, and license surrender. The package, in development for more than a year, reflects the groups' shared goals of enhancing the health of river ecosystems, respecting the rights of Tribes, and providing greater regulatory certainty for hydropower facilities. The package was sent to Congressional leaders on April 4, 2022.
Transmittal letter to Congress, April 4, 2022
Infrastructure Proposal (April 2021)
A group of Uncommon Dialogue participants developed and signed-on in support of this document in April 2021. The document summarizes spending recommendations focused on four critical U.S. infrastructure needs. It was used when for conducting Congressional and agency outreach and contributed to the inclusion of the 3 R’s (rehabilitation, retrofit, and removal) in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.
Joint Statement of Collaboration (October 2020)
Phase I of the Uncommon Dialogue culminated in the release of the Joint Statement in October 2020. The Joint Statement identifies goals and focus areas for Phase II of the Uncommon Dialogue.