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Margot Gerritsen
Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Emerita
I was born and raised in the Netherlands. After receiving my MS degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Delft, I moved to the U.S. in search of hillier and sunnier places. In 1996 I received my Ph.D. in Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics at Stanford University. Before returning to Stanford in 2001, I spent nearly five years in Auckland, New Zealand as a faculty member in the Department of Engineering Science.
I’m a professor in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford, interested in computer simulation and mathematical analysis of engineering and natural processes. From 2010 to 2018, I directed the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering ( Since 2015, I'm the Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs in the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences, as well as the co-director of Women in Data Science (WiDS, and the host of the WiDS podcasts.
My primary interests are in sustainability, and renewable and fossil energy production. I am also active in coastal ocean dynamics and yacht design, as well as several areas in computational mathematics including search algorithm design and matrix computations. My latest research projects include traffic congestion and emissions simulation and mitigation, and wildland fire prediction and mitigation.
I’m a professor in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford, interested in computer simulation and mathematical analysis of engineering and natural processes. From 2010 to 2018, I directed the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering ( Since 2015, I'm the Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs in the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences, as well as the co-director of Women in Data Science (WiDS, and the host of the WiDS podcasts.
My primary interests are in sustainability, and renewable and fossil energy production. I am also active in coastal ocean dynamics and yacht design, as well as several areas in computational mathematics including search algorithm design and matrix computations. My latest research projects include traffic congestion and emissions simulation and mitigation, and wildland fire prediction and mitigation.
PhD, Stanford University, Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics (1997)
MSc, Delft University of Technology, Applied Mathematics (1990)
(650) 725-2727
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