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20x20 | Twenty Years, Twenty Wins

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As we mark 20 years of advancing practical solutions for people and the planet, we celebrate all the contributions and accomplishments of the Woods Institute community. Read on for 20 highlights spanning Woods research, education and leadership programs and visit our 20th anniversary homepage for more celebration coverage and video.

20x20 | Delivering insights for investment in water security

Facing a freshwater crisis, the arid desert nation of Jordan had plans for a desalination plant. Those plans received a dramatic, $2 billion expansion based on insights from an interdisciplinary, international team and its unique water analysis tool.

20x20 | Targeting climate adaptation investments in agriculture

Stanford researchers are pioneering data-driven approaches to understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change on global crop yields, leading to targeted investments in climate-resilient ag that could improve food security for millions worldwide.

20x20 | Transforming wastewater into resources

What started as a molecular wastewater study has since evolved into a model facility for scaling water resource recovery technologies for commercial use, opening a new era for the sustainable recovery of clean water, nutrients, energy and renewables.

20x20 | Building a blue food future

The first comprehensive review of how fisheries & aquaculture contribute to nutrition, sustainability, & livelihoods has evolved into a global network working to incorporate key findings into national development plans & climate strategies.

20x20 | Combating lead contamination in a common spice

Stanford researchers uncovered a widespread practice of adding lead chromate to turmeric, posing significant health risks. Their work has led to reduced contamination levels, improving food safety and public health across South Asia.

20x20 | Pioneering innovative wildfire prevention products

The need for wildfire prevention strategies is more urgent than ever. Researchers working with Woods Institute support developed an innovative solution – a long-lasting, environmentally friendly gel designed to protect against devastating wildfires.

20x20 | Developing innovative clean water solutions

The Lotus Water project, an innovative initiative from Stanford's Program on Water, Health & Development (WHD), represents a significant step toward addressing water scarcity and quality issues in urban areas of developing countries.

20x20 | Indigenous wisdom for a sustainable future

The First Nations' Futures Institute has trained hundreds of emerging Indigenous leaders, who have gone on to influence environmental policy and governance in their regions. It aims to unite traditional ecological knowledge with modern science.

20x20 | Driving investments in nature and human well-being

The Natural Capital Project’s tools & approaches to model nature’s benefits to people have been used in >185 countries, including in China where they have helped to rezone approximately half of the country for ecosystem protection and restoration.

20x20 | Seeing the oceans in a new light

An optical sensor smaller than a postage stamp could help coastal communities monitor some of the world’s largest marine protected areas. The device could revolutionize how quickly and precisely scientists can track changes in marine biodiversity.

20x20 | Battling wildfire with science-based policies

The Stanford Climate and Energy Policy Program’s collaboration with state lawmakers has led to the introduction of key legislative measures that promote the use of prescribed fire and tribal fire practices—long-overlooked but essential tools for wildfire.

20x20 | Preparing climate and sustainability entrepreneurs

The Innovation for Climate and Sustainability class at Stanford is inspiring the next generation of environmental entrepreneurs. This unique course encourages students to tackle urgent climate challenges using entrepreneurial principles.

20x20 | Finding Agreement on Hydropower and Conservation

A Woods-convened negotiation between the hydropower industry and environmental community led to a breakthrough agreement that helped inform federal legislation to invest more than $3 billion in the rehabilitation, retrofit or removal of dams.